Paolo Strippoli

Paul Strippoli

Director and screenwriter

Young director and screenwriter, Paolo Strippoli has leapt into the spotlight of horror made in Italy thanks to A Classic Horror Story, co-signed with Roberto De Feo.
A free and provocative feature debut that managed to leave an important mark in the world of contemporary genre productions precisely because of the postmodern idea it encompasses and that likens it to a new horror classic like Wes Craven's Scream. Like the American master's slasher, in fact, Strippoli and De Feo's film manages to bring all the rules of a "classic horror film" to the surface, makes them readable and recognizable with the intention of ridiculing them while simultaneously reshaping the clockwork mechanism of horror to its liking. At the moment, Strippoli is busy working on his new feature film, Raining.